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Future of LHINs and Mental Health – Moments in CS History

Moments in C/S  Bulletin History

C/S Bulletin 286, October 15 , 2005 – Beginning of the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINS)

“LHINs will give providers the ability to work together to care for patients within established geographic boundaries.” The networks are a key element of the government’s plan to create an integrated health care system that is patient-centred and responsive to local health care needs.Toronto Central LHIN funder
The 14 local networks will plan, co-ordinate and fund health care services locally along geographic boundaries that match the way patients currently seek health care. 

“LHINs will vastly improve our ability to respond to the health care needs of local communities,” said [Minister of Health George] Smitherman. “For the patient, this means better access to the care they need as close to home as possible.”

And in 2018…Provincial Government is reassessing the mental and overall health system and Local Health Integration Networks (LIHNs) may be transforming again 

Did you know that the Bulletin is funded by the Toronto Central LHIN e City works with five different LHINs (Toronto Central LHIN, Central LHIN, Central East LHIN, Central West LHIN and Mississauga-Halton LHIN). Did you know that there are legal requirements and accountability for engagement and consultation with “patients” and system users?

Do you think that consumer survivors benefit from smaller health integration networks over a central ministry of health?

Do you find that you can access services across agencies and hospitals and services when you want? Ie is there actual “integration” helping you?

And does integration that combines organizations and potentially reduces the diverse offerings make sense to you?

…what ever your answers to these questions, we still need activism to make sure that the future LHIN / Ministry of Health includes service users and survivors… Because there will definitely be lots of effort and money spent to get stuff for doctors, service providers and NIMBY organizations that want us to be invisible.

… Survivor history continues…

Sheep heads in profile facing each other.

Feedback on accessibility of elections. Go to

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