Bulletin 2019 04

Methamphetazine: A Harm Reduction Guide by Kat Humphries

Harm Reduction Zines – Meth and Benzos

Harm reduction requires knowledge and the community has lots of expertise. Kat Humphries from the Harm Reduction Action Centre compiled these…
Five tokens in an open hand.

Get out of Extreme Cold

Up-to-date as of January 22 - Check //www.facebook.com/homeiswhereitstarts Drop In Centres Token Distrib
TTC tokens are available at 19…
Outdoor rally in an alley with a man speaking into a microphone and a large sign with text "Housing Shelter Safe Space Now".

Rally to end homelessness after recent deaths – Video

Advocates and community members gathered to call for affordable housing, emergency shelters and an end to homeless deaths on January…