#601 May 16, 2018: Go Community!
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Community Justice. Community in action. Consult. Advocate. Rights. Films. Housing. CAMH Coins for survivors?
1. Moss Park Overdose Prevention Site receives Ministry approval and will have a new home
Moss Park Overdose Prevention Site receives Ministry approval and will have a new home.
The Toronto Overdose Prevention Society (TOPS) has received six months of funding through the Ministry of Health and will continue to operate in Moss Park before moving to a nearby building in June.
“Given the ongoing overdose crisis, and continuing widespread need and demand for these lifesaving services, we advocated for emergency measures to be implemented, enabling Overdose Prevention Sites to open across the province,” said Sarah Ovens, Moss Park OPS co-organizer. …
“Every person who has and will use an OPS, every person who has not lost a son, daughter, friend or partner, and every person who uses drugs and is fighting for their lives, is indebted to this fearless group of activists and volunteers. We thank them and will continue to support their work.” said Lynne Raskin, CEO, South Riverdale Community Health Centre. |
Fair Fare coalition is looking for feedback on the new TTC-Presto Card,
Barriers to Fair Pass Program
Are you going to get the Fair Discount Pass?
lowest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 highest
Sorry, voting is closed.
Complete the longer Survey is on the soundtimes.com/Bulletin website. |
Find out more. What information and resources do you need?
2. Moment in C/S Bulletin History May 15, 2005
Moments in C/S Bulletin History
AODA passed on May 10, 2005
pg 1 of 10, Bulletin 300, May 15, 2005:
...After a tenacious decade-long grassroots campaign by Ontarians with disabilities, advocating to three successive Ontario governments, the Ontario Legislature unanimously passed Bill 118, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Unlike any other law in Canada, this new, comprehensive legislation is designed to make Ontario fully accessible for Ontarians with disabilities within the next 20 years. ...
Scope of Legislation
The new legislation covers both the public and private sectors. It also applies to the legislative assembly.
Standards will address the full range of disabilities - including physical, sensory, hearing, mental health, developmental and learning. That is, both visible and invisible disabilities will be included. Enforceable Legislation
Once a standard has been adopted as a regulation, all affected persons and organizations will be required to comply within the timelines set out in the standard.
...Spot audits will verify the contents of reports, and there will be tough penalties for non-compliance.To strengthen accountability, the minister will prepare an annual report on progress in removing and preventing barriers. ...
· David Lepofsky
And now in 2018: 13 Years later has Ontario achieved accessibility?
The AODA still exists but it is not being enforced by governments against private and public organizations. Are you and your neighbours able to move, participate, work, study, receive services (private, public, health)? Have barriers been over come? Have accommodations been made?
The AODA stands for the obligation to create an accessible Ontario and to be treated fairly and to participate in society. Disability rights can be used to advocate for individuals (for example guide dogs) and for the community (direction finding signs, ShopTalk: BlindSquare Enabled “beacons”).
The AODA has regulations (rules about how the law is applied) about transportation, employment, customer service, design of public spaces, information and communications. These will be discussed in future Bulletins.
The continuing challenge to the AODA and making Ontario accessibile, is the enforcement mechanism. There have been only 5 penalties for all of the businesses in Ontario in 2015, 2016, 2017 combined (AODA Alliance).
Photo: By Disability_symbols_16.png: via Wikimedia Commons
...part of the consumer survivor ongoing timeline...stay tuned
3. Community dialogue and participation!
Have you heard about the Community Justice Centre (CJC) in Moss Park?
Do you want to combine justice and community services in one place?
How should it be planned? Who should be involved?
This project is important for consumer/survivors in Moss Park and the broader community because the CJC is focused on us whether we wanted it or not and we need to be involved.
What is a CJC?
Typically a CJC has a less formal court/justice process integrated with community services (medical, education and financial supports). Ideally, a CJC reduces repeat journeys through the system and connects people to services on their terms.
The Big challenge is what is the focus of the CJC? Can the CJC be all things to everyone...justice + mental health, substance use, trauma, youth, anti-racism, housing, victims …?
Planning process for the CJC
Who participated in the process? There have been three public consultations with agencies, government, police and neighborhood associations. There is need for more user input and organizing.
You can get involved:
1. What actions or outcomes should be avoided for the planning & design phase to be successful?
2. What specific advice do you have about:
· Questions to tackle first?
· Toronto-focused planning & design support?
· Working with existing planning and coordination tables?
· Creating a local steering committee?
· Involving potential CJC clients in the planning & design work?
Learn and submit ideas: Toronto Website: //toronto.cjc-ccj.ca/
Toronto email: toronto@cjc-ccj.ca
From the Ontario Ministry of Attorney General
Toronto-Moss Park’s Urban Community Health and Justice Centre
Toronto’s Moss Park neighbourhood faces challenges in addressing the cycle of offending and victimization for marginalized people affected by homelessness, poverty, mental health and addictions issues. This area of Toronto’s eastern downtown present the city’s highest rates of major crime and priority calls to police. To help local justice and social service partners address the contributing factors related to crime in this area, a Moss Park Urban Community Health and Justice Centre will focus on promoting close collaboration and colocation of justice and health, mental health and addictions partners.
The centre will operate on a harm reduction and therapeutic justice model, which promotes continuity of care, coordinated case management and facilitated information sharing between local agencies.
Community Dialogue: A Public Health Approach to Drug Policy
The number of people dying from opioid poisonings in Toronto continue to rise. Preliminary estimates from the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario show there were 187 deaths in Toronto from May to July 2017; double for the same period in 2016.
Around the world, governments are considering different approaches to drugs. Some countries are decriminalizing drug use and possession while others are legalizing and regulating drugs. Change is happening in Canada too. It will soon be legal for adults to purchase cannabis for personal use. In the midst of the current opioid poisoning crisis, some health officials and others are also calling for a new approach to other drugs.
How could we change our approach to drugs? What would a public health approach to drugs look like for Canada?
Toronto Public Health wants to hear from you on this important topic for our community.
To learn more, including how to register for a community dialogue session and to fill out our online survey, please visit the Community Dialogue website at //tinyurl.com/yass6g56 .
Tuesday May 22, 2018 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 3rd Floor, Room 308
Thursday May 24, 2018 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mimico Centennial Library, Auditorium, 47 Station Rd, Toronto M8V 2R1
[Bulletin asks: Do you support a “public health” approach? Harm reduction? Liberation? Substance user driven vs medical driven?]
Exploring the Use of Leverage to Enhance Adherence to Treatment in Community Mental Health Services
As part of a study called Exploring the Use of Leverage to Enhance Adherence to Treatment in Community Mental Health Services, we would like to discuss your experience with community mental health services to understand how often patients receiving community mental health services feel pressured to accept mental health treatment and how these pressures impact patient experiences.
We will be doing a survey with approximately 150 people who receive services from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), St. Michael’s Hospital, and the Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto (CMHA). This study has research ethics approval from Saint Michael’s Hospital and CAMH.
A small honorarium and two tokens will be provided after completing the survey.
You may be eligible to participate if you are:
•Currently receiving outpatient treatment (have been receiving mental health services for at least the past 6 months with at least one appointment over this time period) at CAMH, CMHA or SMH
•Over 18 and under 65
If you are interested in learning more about this study, please call the Research Coordinator at 416-864-6060 x77359 or email pillingm@smh.ca
Public interest inquiry into racial profiling and discrimination
Call for participants: Public interest inquiry into racial profiling and discrimination by the Toronto Police
If you, or someone you know, would like to take part, contact our team at legal@ohrc.on.ca or
416-314-4547 by June 30, 2018. Follow, share and engage with us and use #TruthBeforeTrust.
Right to housing
We will have more information about the April 30th Right to Housing forum in the next Bulletin. Until then, you can still comment on the national housing strategy: Participate By June 1, 2018:
Send an email with the subject line “Human Rights Based Approach to Housing: Feedback” to placetocallhome@cmhc-schl.gc.ca
Have you heard about the Poverty Reduction Strategy—Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG)?
From Toronto.ca: Twenty Torontonians will use their firsthand experience with the conditions and impacts of living with poverty to inform the development, implementation, and monitoring of the City’s Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Challenges for the LEAG:
- How can they be stay connected and get feedback from the broader consumer survivor community?
- How can LEAG members ever learn and gather enough information to influence the professionals and councillors? Since this is impossible how can they advocate and make sure they are heard?
These points are not criticisms of the LEAG members it is a structural challenge.
There were 5 Speaker Series Consultations/sessions that included the LEAG members
· Housing stability
· Quality Jobs & Livable Incomes
· Food Access
· Service Access and Coordination
· Transportation Equity
You can get more information on the website. The LEAG will be involved in the Anti Poverty Strategy and you can be involved too by submitting your own views or organizing a consultation in your community (//bit.ly/2KfGCuw). |
4. Make sure you are ready for the Election
Election Day: Wednesday, June 7, 2018
Voting window: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
You must be 18 or older to vote
ID required: On election day you must either bring your voter’s information card or ID and/or mail with proof of address. You can find of ID requirements here.
Website: elections.on.ca
Voting Stations
If you are unsure about the location of your voting station or information on your local candidates, you can visit the Voting Services page on the Elections Ontario site.
If you have not received a Voter Information Card (VIC), you may not be on the Voters List, which you can register online for by May 29, 2018. You can also update your information at your returning office at an advance poll or on Election Day.
If You Are Away
You can vote prior to election day by visiting an advanced voting location. Click here for more information. |
Eviction pressures and resistance
The risk of eviction is increasing because landlords benefit from removing long-term tenants. If they get a new tenant, they can raise the rent to “market” rates. Market rates have gone up a lot because of the housing crisis. As a survivor you may face increased harassment. Your landlord may refuse repairs and/or enforce policies to convince you to leave or face eviction. The landlord may also claim that a family member is going to move in. We have heard that tenants either do not know how to deal with the harassment or eviction so they delay too much. If you are having trouble with a landlord, take a breath and consider talking to a peer, legal clinic, paralegal. Breathe and act.
Find Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario ACTO - Tip Sheet: //goo.gl/gVkXdc
Learn about Tenant Rights at Tenant School
Announcing June 2018 Toronto Tenant School: Registration is Now Open! Spots are limited so register today!
Are you a tenant living in Toronto? Do you have questions about your rights under the law? Have you ever thought of working with your neighbours to start a tenants association? Does your tenant association want to become more effective in the building?
The Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations is pleased to once again offer its tenant school, running for two full days on June 2 and 9, 2018!
The training is free and classes are taught by experienced lawyers and community advocates. Learn about your rights under the law such as how to get repairs done, fight evictions and challenge unfair rent increases. The school is an opportunity to meet other tenants and strategize about ways you can work with each other and work with your local government to accomplish shared goals.
Registration is now open-and remains open to May 15, 2018! Please sign up as space is limited. Signing up has never been easier! You can register in the following ways:
Call 416-413-9442 or write to totenantschool@torontotenants.org to obtain a registration form or fill out the online registration form available at:
//goo.gl/forms/8tpYPWKcX2xx86yt1 //www.facebook.com/events/603315570061229
Standard Residential Lease
Starting April 30, 2018 landlords of most private market rental units will be required to use this form (lease) when they enter into a tenancy with a tenant. There are 14 mandatory sections. Any additions have to be approved by the renter and the landlord. Some common terms that landlords may attempt to add to a lease, but which are void and unenforceable, include:
- A requirement that a tenant pays a damage deposit;
- A ban on guests, roommates or additional occupants;
- A “no pets” clause.
Contact the Landlord and Tenant Board by calling 1-888-332-3234 to learn more about your rights and responsibilities under the RTA.
For questions or comments about the standard lease form, including how to fill it out, contact our Residential Tenancies Unit by e-mail or call 416-585-6528.
More information and a link to the lease template //www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page18704.aspx
6. How are you getting support?
Phone lines and Support Programs. Thinking beyond 911. Have you used any of these services? Let us know by email and comments bulletin@soundtimes.com.
Call 211
7. Resources
Start that mad mad Project!
Borrow a Musical Instrument
The Parkdale branch has a collection of musical instruments you can borrow for free with your library card. Call Parkdale staff at 416-393-7686 for more information.
Borrow tools from Toronto Tool Library
Three locations. Borrow for 3-7 days. Access 3-d printers. Take classes and learn how to create. Pay-what-you-can option for membership
TTC - Fair Pass Discount Program Has arrived!
Find the forms and the details at: //www.toronto.ca/transitdiscount/
You are eligble if you are an adult living in Toronto and in receipt of Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and not receiving transportation supports equal to or greater than $100 in the current month (i.e. Employment or Medical Related) through OW or ODSP.
How to apply
To apply for the Fair Pass Discount Program, you must complete and sign an application and consent form. Completed forms can be submitted by mail, fax, or in-person at any of the following Toronto Employment & Social Services (TESS) locations.
Have you had accessibility issues on the TTC?
Contact the AODA Alliance which will use your experiences to advocate for more accessible. AODA means the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. At a minimum, the government should not be buying or creating new things that are inaccessible for example physically inaccessible streetcars, gates, broken elevators, visually inaccesible Presto Machines that are inaccessible to people with vision impairments).
You can always send your feedback to us on any AODA and accessibility issue at aodafeedback@gmail.com. Our Facebook page and Twitter @AODAAlliance.
To report an AODA violation to the Government, call 1-866-515-2025.
TTY: 1-800-268-7095
Fill out Survey at soundtimes.com/bulletin
Did you know? You can get Naloxone for free
Did you know? You can get Naloxone for free from most pharmacies (with health card) and at mental health and addiction agencies.
Safe injection sites: Toronto Public Health (The Works), Queen West-Central Toronto Community Health Centre, South Riverdale Community Health Centre. Fred Victor at 45 Queen Street location.
Moss Park Overdose Prevention site by the Toronto Overdose Prevention Society, which demonstrated and advocated successfully for safe injection spaces.
- And now the RPHC's Overdose Prevention Site (Regent Park Community Health Centre 465 Dundas St East at Parliament 416-203-4506)
- Tuesday 12:00-6:30, Wednesday 12:00-6:30, Thursday 9:30-4:00 (only women identified and trans* people may access OPS on Thursdays trans=transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, non binary, genderqueer and/or gender diverse).
- Kensington Market - St. Stephen's Community House 260 Augusta Ave (416) 964-8747.
- Sunday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
The Older Women’s Network (OWN) is a nonprofit feminist organization that is a “Voice for Mid-Life and Older Women Learning and Working Together.” Throughout its history, OWN has joined with others to advocate for a national housing strategy and to encourage provincial and municipal authorities to increase their support for affordable housing
8. Training Programs
Neighbourhood Link—Hiring Fairs
Location: 3036 Danforth Ave (Victoria Park/ Danforth Avenue)
Call to register to attend event 416 691 7407 | Email: esadmin@neighbourhoodlink.org
Employer: Odd Job Handy Man | date: May 31st @ 10:00 AM
Renovation and repair company is seeking skilled individuals with plumbing, electrical, tiling, carpentry, and drywall repair experience
Full-time employment, competitive wages and benefits and must have a valid driver's license
Employer: Northern Adventure Hiring Event | Date: May 30th @ 10:00 AM
Recruiting for produce manager, food service manager, merchandising manager, assistant store manager and more.
Strong retail experience, organizational and customer service skills
Bring a copy of your resume and be prepared to be interviewed
Competitive salary, benefits, housing, and relocation cost included
Employer: Black Dahlia Design - Landscapers wanted (immediate openings)
Looking for skilled landscapers competitive wages
Please contact the agency to schedule an appointment to meet with Job Developer.
Employer: The Solar Group - High-Rise Window Cleaners
Currently seeking qualified candidates to work for a company that does high-rise cleaning.
Excellent healthcare benefits, competitive wages, flexible hours
Training provided for CPR, First-Aid, and fall arrest
Please contact the agency to schedule an appointment to meet with Job Developer. |
Relief Worker Position
Are you a person on Ontario Works? Are you interested in gaining skills to work in drop-in centers and shelters as a Relief Worker?
En Route to Employment may be an opportunity for you!
The 36 day intensive training includes sessions on:
peer support
drop-in best practices
customer service skills
moving forward: re-entering the workforce
asset mapping, goal setting
diversity issues
conflict resolution
first aid & CPR
personal development
work etiquette
resume writing
interview skills
And much more!
Training will begin July 31 2018 from 10am-3pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for 12 weeks.
You will receive a hearty lunch each day.
15 spots are available for the training program!
Information Session:
June 15th 2018 1 pm: 1499 Queen Street West # 203 M6R-1A3
For further information, please contact:
Dawnmarie Harriott
Working for Change
(416) 504-1693
Attendance at this session is encouraged, but not mandatory. TTC tokens will be available.
Deadline for submitting the applications is June 29th 2018 at 5 pm.
In order to participate it is necessary to have a referral from your Ontario Works worker. |
#BigFeels : Creating Space for Mental Health in the Arts Symposium
Explore the intersectionalities of mental health and the arts and will create positive connections in our communities through meaningful conversations!
Presented by Workman Arts
· Resource sharing to support more equitable, engaging and inclusive spaces;
· How we better support artists with mental health lived experiences;
· Mindfulness towards better incorporating processes and approaches to mental wellness within our organizations;
Creating connections with youth and racialized communities to have more meaningful conversations around mental health
Monday May 28, 2018: Artscape Youngplace 180 Shaw Street; tour Mindset exhibit and launch party with live entertainment (7:30-9:30pm) (Light Snacks)
Tuesday & Wednesday May 29 + 30, 2018: Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie Street; 2-day symposium (9:30 & 10 AM - 5:30 PM) Lunch provided on both days. //www.eventbrite.ca/e/creating-space-for-mental-health-in-the-arts-symposium-tickets-45301102818
ReelAbilities Film Festival
Showcasing Deaf and disability cultures
The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (MNjcc) is pleased to unveil programming for the third annual
ReelAbilities Film Festival: Toronto(RAFFTO), Canada’s largest film festival dedicated to showcasing Deaf and disability cultures. The Festival will present 25 films in various venues across the city from May 29 – June 4, 2018.
This year’s lineup includes Canadian premieres from Brazil, Canada, China, Poland, Australia, Latvia, Israel, Ireland, Spain and the U.S.
This year’s festival includes ReelAbilities first ever comedy night, which will explore the topics of sexuality and disability, disability rights, the Deaf film scene and inclusive design through panels and workshops. There is also the ReelEducation school and field trip program, which helps to educate youth about life with disabilities.
For more information visit the //reelabilities.org/toronto/ |
General Tips on finding events:
- We know there are lots of folks collecting events for Survivors so we don't want to duplicate their efforts. If you do have a consumer survivor event, please submit it. If we don't receive your event we probably won't include it. Sources of events:
- Toronto Public Library
- Now Magazine, Torontoist (torontoist.com) BlogTo (BlogTO.com)
- Facebook
Toronto Public Library
Big events with huge authors and speakers at the Reference Library (789 Yonge Street //www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/programs-and-classes/appel-salon/
May 17 2018 (Thursday)
Brain Health
Use interactive games and exercises to learn about key principles of brain health and activities that may reduce your risk of dementia.
At: 2990 Islington Ave (south of Steeles Ave) Humber Summit Library - Auditorium
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm Phone: 416-395-5840
May 22 2018 (Tuesday)
A Journey of Transformation
VOCAL SERIES - Soprano Keri Alkema (Giovanna Seymour in the COC’s Anna Bolena) has been praised for her “tonal opulence” (Washington Post) and “incisive musicality” (New York Times). Joined by pianist Michael Shannon, she reveals the full extent of her musical and dramatic range with a program of some of her favourite art songs and arias; demonstrating the transformative power of the human voice.
At: 145 Queen St W (@ York St) Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm Website: //www.coc.ca/plan-your-visit/free-concert-series
May 22 2018 (Tuesday)
Doctors in Denial: A Reading with Author Dr. Joel Lexchin
Doctors in Denial examines the relationship between the Canadian medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, and explains how doctors have become dependents of the drug companies instead of champions of patients' health. At: 789 Yonge St (north of Bloor St) Toronto Reference Library – Beeton Hall Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm Phone: 416-395-5577
May 22 2018 (Tuesday)
Doctors in Denial: A Reading with Author Dr. Joel Lexchin
Doctors in Denial examines the relationship between the Canadian medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, and explains how doctors have become dependents of the drug companies instead of champions of patients' health. Big Pharma plays a role in every aspect of doctors' work. These giant, wealthy multinationals influence how medical students are trained and receive information, how research is done in hospitals and universities, what is published in leading medical journals, what drugs are approved, and what patients expect when they go into their doctors' offices. But almost all doctors deny the influence and control the drug companies exert. In this book Dr. Lexchin urges the medical profession to make the changes needed to give priority to protecting and promoting patients' health and benefitting society, rather than enabling Big Pharma to dominate health care while raking in billions in profits from citizens and governments. Dr. Joel Lexchin is an internationally-recognized expert in pharmaceutical policy. He is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Health Policy and Management at York University where he taught health policy from 2001 to 2016.
At: 789 Yonge St (north of Bloor St) Toronto Reference Library – Beeton Hall
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm Phone: 416-395-5577
Let’s go CRAZY
at The Imperial Pub, 54 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5B 1C7
8:30pm to whenever…
Short Stories, Spoken Word, Song, Poetry.
We always welcome and encourage new performers.
If you what to bring your voice and join our line up please pitch us…
Help to envision a better world - Poetry Workshop
A poetry creation program specifically for consumer survivors and members of the Mad Community to illustrate themes of social justice. Four rehearsals and one recital.
June 13, 20,27 July 4, 11. Register friendlyspike@primus.ca or call 647.729.906
May 26 2018 (Saturday)
Yoga for Well-Being
In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, participants will learn some daily yoga routines and special breathing exercises for improved physical and mental health. This program is for adults 18 years and older. Space is limited to 20 participants.
At: 1571 Sandhurst Circle (Woodside Square Mall) Woodside Square Library – Program Room Phone: 416-396-8979
Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
May 28 2018 (Monday)
Digital Privacy in 10 Steps
Learn to be more digitally savvy and explore different ways to protect your privacy in 10 steps.
At: 170 Memorial Park Ave (west of Coxwell Ave) S. Walter Stewart Library - Learning Centre
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm Phone: 416-396-3975
May 29 2018 (Tuesday)
Toronto Newcomer Day
Newcomer Day is an annual event that welcomes newcomers to Toronto, helps them understand and access a range of services, and celebrates their contributions. The event features activities including a formal stage program, citizenship ceremony, and an information fair. It takes place annually in May as part of the City's ongoing commitment to the Council-approved Toronto Newcomer Strategy and Integrating Cities Charter.
100 Queen St W (@ Bay St) Nathan Phillip Square
Time: 11:30am – 3:30pm Phone: (416) 392-8944
Website: //www.toronto.ca/community-people/moving-to-toronto/toronto-newcomer-day/
Computer Help!
Martha Gandier (gandier47@hotmail.com) offers fellow consumers/survivors free over-the-phone or remote online computer advice and support with computer repairs, upgrades, installations, networking, virus and spyware scans as well as clean-ups, coaching in MS Office, etc. |
Even more newsletters
- · Ontario Peer Development Initiative OPDI “News to go” //www.opdi.org/news-events/news
- · Empowerment Council //www.empowermentcouncil.ca/
- · Citizens With Disability Ontario (CWDO) //www.cwdo.org/
- · Housing Action Now—Great resource on housing advocacy in Toronto //housingactionnowto.wordpress.com/
- · ARCH Alert, ARCH Disability Law Centre //www.archdisabilitylaw.ca/arch-alerts
- · Voice of Our Own, Newsletter of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), published four times per year //www.ccdonline.ca/en/publications
- · AODA Alliance - subscribe to e-news by emailing aodafeedback@gmail.com
- · The Advocate - A Government Affairs Advisory Newsletter, Ontario March of Dimes //www.marchofdimes.ca
New Prince Harry and Megan Markle Coin to benefit CAMH
Silver $20.00 coin. The Prince visited CAMH last year. We have no news on how/whether coins will be distributed to consumer survivors!!!
Subscribe For Free!
To subscribe to The Bulletin email us at
- bulletin@soundtimes.com or visit
- Soundtimes.com/bulletin
Where we post even more information and resources.The Bulletin is free to receive.
All previous issues are available on our website: www.soundtimes.com/bulletin
The Bulletin is published on the 1st and 16th of every month
by Sound Times Support Services. Funding for this Consumer/Survivor initiative has been provided by the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the
Toronto Central LHIN, the Government of Ontario,
Sound Times Support Services Staff or Board Members.
Thanks: to survey participants, callers and emailers and the C/S Info Bulletin Team helping with the handoff.
Go green; get The Bulletin by email!
And that is all!