Info, resources, advocacy. THANKS for your support!

Bulletin about rights, power, jobs 606 October 2018

the Bulletin

Resources for Consumer / Survivors / People who use substances / Service and Substance Users / Fun Folks in TORONTO AREA

Bulletin #9 – 606 October 1, 2018 

1. Big changes with Money and Rights

  • Ford says: Minimum wage is not going up to $15
  • ODSP and OW will rise 1.5% (not 3%)
  • Toronto Election will have 25 wards that match the provincial ridings.
  • Marijuana will be legal October 17 but there is no certainty about locations, prices and cities yet.

Your City Your Vote

Navigate Below:

  1. In Brief
  2. Moments in C/S Bulletin History
  3. Rights and News
  4. Resources – where to vote
  5. Jobs
  6. Key Free Events
  7. Dignity and food and recovery – Quick Food BOOKLET

[Enable pictures at the top of email to see pictures]

We will be updating the website in the next week to increase the flow of information. Let us know about your events and important issues please at

DOWNLOAD Issue 606 and Print .PDF version
Download and Share the Fun Free Events Guide – Word File – Prepared by Amber Graydon, RT

Fill out the General Info Survey at the Bulletin Website
Survey: Food Access, Advocacy and FunWe would love to hear from you to focus the future of the Bulletin: Email:
You can add your events at: Add events //

2. Moments in C/S

C/S Bulletin 286, October 15 , 2005

2005: LHINs began:

“LHINs will give providers the ability to work together to care for patients within established geographic boundaries.” The networks are a key element of the government’s plan to create an integrated health care system that is patient-centred and responsive to local health care needs.

LHIN and Health System In 2018:

The Provincial Government is reassessing the mental and overall health system and Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) may be transforming again.   Did you know that the Bulletin is funded by the Toronto Central LHIN e City works with five different LHINs (Toronto Central LHIN, Central LHIN, Central East LHIN, Central West LHIN and Mississauga-Halton LHIN)? Did you know that there are legal requirements and accountability for engagement and consultation with “patients” and system users?

Do you think that consumer survivors benefit more from a smaller health integration networks or a central ministry of health?

Do you find that you can access services across agencies and hospitals and services when you want? Ie is there actual “integration” helping you?

And does integration that combines organizations and potentially reduces the diverse offerings make sense to you?

…what ever your answers to these questions, we still need to act to make sure that the future plans of LHINs or the Ministry of Health includes service users and survivors.

We need to bring our expertise and focus to solutions that work. When they do work, then the government can save money (which is a big priority for this government).
We can also advocate for more money because of the lack of resources for health food and housing. There will be lots of effort and money spent to make sure that the doctors, service providers and NIMBY organizations get what they want

… Survivor history continues…

\\ //

Do you participate in engagement activities with the LHIN, agencies, researchers? We woujld love to hear about these experiences. We want to know what’s happening and how you felt about the experience.

3. Rights, Advocacy

Elections, Rights to Freedom Expression breached, Government threatens to go ahead anyways…

Should we be concerned about our rights, if the Government threatens to use the “notwithstanding clause” to pass laws that break our Rights and Freedoms? Does the change from 47 to 25 wards in theTwo guards in the viewing gallery at Ontario legislature stand next to an older protesting woman before she is removed by force. City of Toronto matter to survivors? Most of us are used to being ignored so the number of people doing it does not matter.

But. Stay with me. It might matter for survivors and minorities, because equality rights (section 15) can be also be suspended with s. 33.

  • Section 33. (1) Parliament or the legislature of a province may expressly declare in an Act of Parliament or of the legislature, as the case may be, that the Act or a provision thereof shall operate notwithstanding a provision included in section 2 or sections 7 to 15.

What would stop the government from taking away equality rights of people with disabilities if they are willing to take away free speech rights?

If the government could save money by not providing services or if it could win popular support by demonizing a minority, will judges be able to stop them?

When governments say they have no money …

When governments claim they don’t have enough money they can justify big cuts to programs like ODSP and OW. Keep this in mind when you read the news. And when you are advocating for yourself and community, you may want to emphasize that mental health, substance, housing, transportation, and food programs and resources actually reduce government spending because they make us healthier, safer and hopeful.

Governments can hide or broadcast spending

Minimum Wage may not increase to $15 per hour

No wage increase for many survivors, according to Premier Doug Ford. This matters to survivors because so many of us work in minimum wage jobs during recovery and long term.

Logo: Fight for $15 and Fairness

Know Your Vote

Know your vote T.O. Our neighbourhoods, our councillors, our city, our choice.A project of Toronto Public Library—

To find out who’s running to be your City Councillor, enter your address in the box below, or use the map to find and click on your part of the city. On a mobile device? Tap within the ward’s boundaries twice.

You can also learn about what the city is responsible for: housing, transport,  libraries, and more…


Prosperity Platform:

It is hard to keep track of the many candidates and ideas happening in Toronto’s election. The Toronto Star has a promise tracker.

It is hard to keep track of the many candidates and ideas happening in Toronto’s election. The Toronto Star has a promise tracker.
Check out the Prosperity Platform and the Affordable Housing Pledge

You can sign on as an individual voter so that your candidate knows that you voted for housing, transit, child care etc.. All before September 30th: //

Prosperity Platform Logo.


A campaign to get candidates in the October 22, 2018 Toronto election to commit to implement Toronto’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (TO Prosperity)


2018 Toronto Election: The affordable housing pledge

Splash of blue paint with text: 2018 Toronto Election: The affordable housing pledgeFor more information email Follow us on twitter @housing_to

Find Who has pledged: //


Marijuana legalization is October 17

Marijuana and Cannabis will be legal in Canada and Ontario on October 17, 2018. There will be restrictions. Will this affect your use or not using? The rules are changing fast. Keep up at // More to come…

4. Resources

Elections Toronto!

2018 is the year to vote. Let us know if you have any accessibility problems. KEY:
Voting Days:
  • Election Day: Monday, October 22 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. vote in the ward you live in.
  • Advance Voting:Wednesday, October 10 to Sunday October 14 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Electors can vote at one of two locations in their ward or at City Hall.  A Voter Assist Terminal will be located at each voting place.
View the 2018 Voting Places. Including building name, address, room, entrance and accessibility notes. //
Ward Maps:
Individual maps with voting places can be accessed from the 2018 Ward Maps page.

Know Your VoteKnow your vote T.O. Our neighbourhoods, our councillors, our city, our choice.

A project of Toronto Public Library—

To find out who’s running to be your City Councillor, enter your address in the box below, or use the map to find and click on your part of the city. On a mobile device? Tap within the ward’s boundaries twice.

You can also learn about what the city is responsible for: housing, transport,  libraries, and more…


245 Dunn Avenue—Between Queen and King

Map of Parkdale Overdose Prevent Site - 245 Dunn Avenue open 6-11pm

TTC – Fair Pass Discount Program

The Fare Pass Presto card saves money: $2.00 per ride, 115.50 month. If you receive a transport allowance from OW or ODSP check with a worker before you apply for the pass so that you don’t have that subsidy cut from your cheque.

Find the forms and the details at: //


5. Jobs & Funding

All of City of Toronto Job Fair. 

Research about Peer Researchers Peers Project!

  1. Amplifier with Ontario Child Advocate Office 
  2. Shelter Jobs – Toronto Big Interview Fair on October 26th apply by October 13.
  3. Community Service Worker -Sound Times Support Services
  4. Dishwasher – Raging Spoon

6. Fun Free Events

General Tips on finding events:

  • We know there are lots of folks collecting events for Survivors so we don’t want to duplicate their efforts. If you do have a consumer survivor event, please submit it. If we don’t receive your event we probably won’t include it.   Sources of events:
    • Toronto Public Library
    • Now Magazine, Torontoist ( BlogTo (
    • Facebook

[More events at Sound Times]

City of Toronto Event Listings—Lots of good stuff

You can sort by day, type, free, and location!

Toronto Public Library

Big events with huge authors and speakers at the Reference Library (789 Yonge Street //

The Library has a great Accessibility program. Learn More

Highlights of events

Read something: For your consideration a work by a survivor: “Ten Years – A mid-life memoir about living with schizophrenia for ten years”

This showcases what can be achieved while living with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. In this short story, George Matthews recalls his life after diagnosis and takes the reader on a trip across the world where he experiences life studying for his M.A. in Germany, then life in Thailand during a time of considerable political turmoil, a time he also had finished weaning himself of his medication. Here is the link to the book

MIAW 2018 will be October 1-7 2018

Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is an annual national public education campaign designed to help open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of mental illness. The week was established in 1992 by the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and is now coordinated by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) in cooperation with all its member organizations and many other supporters across Canada. //

IRSS Legacy Celebration, October 9-11, 2018 Toronto

“We call upon provincial and territorial governments, in collaboration with Survivors and their organizations, and other parties to the Settlement Agreement, to commission and install a publicly accessible, highly visible, Residential Schools Monument in each capital city to honour Survivors and all the children who were lost to their families and communities.”
The Indian Residential School Survivors (IRSS) Legacy project responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Call to Action 82.
City Hall, Nathan  Phillips Square (100 Queen St W.) Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre
439 Dundas St. E, Phone: (416) 360-435

Harm Reduction Kitchen (October 17)

Street Health, 40 Oak and RPCHC host Harm Reduction Kitchen the third Wednesday of the month.  4-7 at Regent Park Community Health Centre
465 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5A 2B2

Homeless Connect Toronto

SundayOctober 28 , 11AM to 4PM
Location: Mattamy Athletic Centre at Ryerson
· Addiction Support, Clothing Bank, Debt/Financial Counselling, Eye Care, Foot Care, ID Clinic, hair cuts, legal, housing, mental health
· Get good stuff, ask tough questions to agencies!

Street Soccer Toronto

We will be playing at Earlscourt Park St. Clair and Landsdowne Avenue behind the Joe Picinnini Community Centre by the running track on Saturdays.Street Soccer Toronto
 ALL welcome you can come as an individual or a team. No expertise or fancy shoes required! Totally free. Find more information about the league on Facebook.  You can also find highlights from the Homeless World Cup.

Lots more newsletters

  • · Ontario Peer Development Initiative OPDI “News to go” //
  • · Empowerment Council //
  • · Citizens With Disability Ontario (CWDO) //
  • · Housing Action Now—Great resource on housing advocacy in Toronto //
  • HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) Newsletter)
  • · ARCH Alert, ARCH Disability Law Centre  //
  • · Voice of Our Own, Newsletter of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), published four times per year //
  • · AODA Alliance – subscribe to e-news by emailing
  • · The Advocate – A Government Affairs Advisory Newsletter, Ontario March of Dimes //

Looking for Resources in the Regent Park and Moss Park area?

Check out the resource booklet prepared byCover of Community Resource Booklet June 2018 by Regent Park Community Health Centre Regent Park Community Health Centre. The booklet is meant to be printed and shared. Consider printing out a copy or two and sharing with friends. Could your area use one of these?

7. BOOKLET Special Bulletin Part 1! Food  Access, Advocacy, Fun

We are building up resources for the food and mental health booklet. We want to include your project and ideas in future versions.Link to the Food and Mental Healthy Booklet

Here is the link the the Booklet which has quick references and resources. You can print and share it!

SO: Please email us at
You can contribute to the planning through thisFOOD Survey.

Subscribe For Free!

To subscribe to The Bulletin email us at

Where we post even more information and resources.The Bulletin is free to receive.

All previous issues are available on our website:
The Bulletin is published on the 1st of every month
by Sound Times Support Services. Funding for this Consumer/Survivor initiative has been provided by the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).

Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network logo
The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the
Toronto Central LHIN, the Government of Ontario,
Sound Times Support Services Staff or Board Members.
Thanks: to survey participants, callers and emailers and the C/S Info Bulletin Team helping with the handoff.
Go green; get The Bulletin by email!

Is more awareness needed…Mental Illness Awareness Week
And that is all!

Bulletin at Sound Times
Copyright © 2018 Sound Times Support Services, All rights reserved.

Bulletin Issue #4 601, May 15, 2018
Our mailing address is:
Sound Times Support Services
280 Parliament Street, Toronto, ON, M5A 3A4
Phone: (416) 979-1700

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list


Feedback on accessibility of elections. Go to

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Food Access, Advocacy, Fun

Create your own user feedback survey