Info, resources, advocacy. THANKS for your support!
Submit your stories of advocacy and or photos and the Bulletin may share your actions!
Here is a story of advocacy by survivors that reaches the public outside the “mental health stigma” world!
October 17th is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Chew on This! marks this important day each year with our nation-wide event, drawing attention to poverty in Canada and calling for action through a national plan to end poverty.
Friends Against Poverty members holding clip boards and bags promoting the “Chew On This!” campaign. From left to right: Teresa, Bee, Bob, and Joel.
This year, Chew on This! is more important than ever!
The federal government has just released Opportunity for All, Canada’s first poverty reduction strategy. While we’re pleased to have a strategy to build on, much more work is needed to achieve our campaign’s goal of poverty eradication.
Our postcard message this year, directed to the Prime Minister, will call for a plan that is strengthened, legislated, and fully-funded in Budget 2019. We do not want this opportunity lost!
You can join the movement
It’s easy to organize an event in your town, at your school, or with your community group:
For more information, please contact Michèle Biss.
Print and Send this postcard to the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
What should we include in the Food Issue?
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