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Energy from Parkdale Organize


Image of Parkdale Organizers outside the Toronto Food Terminal holding umbrellas in the rain. Signs read Parkdale Fights Back

Building community power and community – Parkdale Organize. The organization does not focus on mental health but takes a broader approach that includes accessibility for all as a value.

Parkdale fights back against Ford cuts in neighbourhood rally

Now Magazine “Parkdale fights back against Ford cuts in neighbourhood rally” BY SAMANTHA EDWARDS JUNE 5, 2019 5:07 PM :

“Many of the speakers, ranging from local teachers to long-time Tibetan residents, noted how the cuts to Legal Aid Ontario, which funds Parkdale Community Legal Services, will have a significant impact on the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood legal clinic has been integral in helping tenants organize rent strikes and fight above-guideline rent increases.

…The rally also highlighted the threats to the Ontario Food Terminal, located in Etobicoke near Queensway and Park Lawn, where many Parkdale residents work. In April, the Ford government announced it was reviewing the provincially-owned terminal. Now, wholesalers, farmers and independent grocers are worried that the government plans to sell the land or move the market. …”




About Parkdale Organize

Parkdale Organize is a membership-based group of working class people who organize to build neighbourhood power in Parkdale.

…We join with our neighbours to fight displacement, rent increases, and disrepair. We work with parents and caregivers to provide a better environment for our families and youth.

We join with our neighbours to fight displacement, rent increases, and disrepair. We work with parents and caregivers to provide a better environment for our families and youth

We join with our neighbours to fight displacement, rent increases, and disrepair. We work with parents and caregivers to provide a better environment for our families and youth

[In their own words]

June 6th This morning at 8:00am, in the midst of our daily grind, over 300 Parkdale parents, students, teachers and workers met on Jameson. We came together to demonstrate our strength in the face of attacks on our neighbourhood. We made a commitment to stand together in the struggles ahead. We committed to defending our homes, our schools, our jobs, and our services. We came together with one message: to defend ourselves, we must be organized.



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