Info, resources, advocacy. THANKS for your support!
Seeking: Cleaners in the specialty department.
To qualify the candidate must:
This is a great opportunity for cleaners looking to be a part of a team and they are generally longer hours per work day than the 1 ½ -2 hour contract shifts.
Applications for employment can be filled out at the office or by filling out the applications at the website or forwarding a hard copy to the office by fax (416-504-3429), by email to, or via postal mail.
Fresh Start Cleaning and Maintenance
3345 Dundas Street West
Toronto, ON M6P 2A6
F: 416-504-3429
What should we include in the Food Issue?
Open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sound Times 280 Parliament St, Toronto, ON M5A 2B2
Tel 416.979.1700 MAP to Sound Times
General Info Email: