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What questions and knowledge should the community share with the Review?
Bruce McArthur’s victims. Top, from left to right: Selim Esen, Andrew Kinsman, Majeed Kayhan, and Dean Lisowick. Bottom, from left to right: Soroush Mahmudi, Skandaraj Navaratnam, Abdulbasir Faizi, Kirushnakumar Kanagaratnam. // Review into missing persons investigations will now include McArthur cases BY MARK DOUGLAS AND DILSHAD BURMAN POSTED MAR 26, 2019 4:59 PM EDT
From the website: The Independent Civilian Review into Missing Person Investigations (the “Review”) was established by the Toronto Police Services Board. The Review was prompted, in large part, by the tragic deaths of members of Toronto’s LGTBQ2S+ community and by deep concerns about how the Toronto Police Service (the “TPS”) conducted the investigations into their disappearances.
Simply put, the Review asks the following questions: Have all members of the community, including LGTBQ2S+ and vulnerable or marginalized people, been receiving the level of service from the TPS to which they are entitled? If not, why not and what needs to change?
“The community needs answers. It needs assurances. And most of all, it needs an opportunity to come together and work collaboratively in achieving those goals. That is how I see my job and the role of this Review.” – The Honourable Gloria J. Epstein
The Review was asked to review how the TPS conducted missing person investigations. In the Terms of Reference, these investigations were described as pertaining, in part, to LGTBQ2S+ community members and vulnerable or marginalized community members generally. The latter included those with mental illness and addictions, racialized people, sex workers and at risk-youth.
Community Consultation:
What should we include in the Food Issue?
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