Info, resources, advocacy. THANKS for your support!

Toronto Employment Services

Toronto Employment Services

The Service & Benefit Finder can give you a personalized list of benefits for child care, employment, housing and living expenses.

Employment Support

Assistance for Job Seekers

Newcomer Job Seekers

Youth Job Seekers

Training Courses

Employment & Career-Related Events


Training Courses

The City provides many workshops and training programs that are available to all Toronto residents.

People who receive Ontario Works can access additional training programs.

Are you leaving OW?

You can talk to your worker or go to the website. Here are some programs to consider:

Employment Support / Health Support Help With Health Costs when Leaving Ontario Works – Extended Employment Health Benefit People leaving Ontario Works because they are starting work or getting other income may continue to receive help with health costs for a period of time after they stop receiving monthly payments from Ontario Works.


Employment Support Money for Employment-Related or Training Costs – Employment Related Expenses People on Ontario Works may receive money for employment and school-related costs. This money can help with transportation and other related expenses.
Employment Support Money When Starting Part-Time Employment – Other Employment Assistance Activities Benefit People on Ontario Works may receive money when beginning an employment-related activity such as training, or starting self-employment or part-time work.
Employment Support Money When Starting Full-Time Employment People on Ontario Works may receive money to help cover costs related to starting full-time employment.
Employment Support Ontario Works Training Programs People on Ontario Works may qualify for a variety of training programs.




Feedback on accessibility of elections. Go to

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