Info, resources, advocacy. THANKS for your support!

November Bulletin 607

1. Drugs, “Consumption and Treatment Centres” and finances Photo: Relaxed profile of a Snow leopard.

On  October 17th, the federal government legalized cannabis. This Bulletin contains a  FAQ and information about pardons versus for cannabis convictions.

November is financial literacy month. You can access credit counselling and resources around the city. Managing your money is very important because there are lots of ODSP and OW changes coming up. The provincial government will present changes on November 8th. You can act now to shape that policy.

The Ontario government announced “new” Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS)

  • “Consumption and Treatment Services” would replace the former Supervised Consumption Services and Overdose Prevention Site models. Existing sites could apply to continue operating under the planned new model.
  • Under the new model, each site would implement an ongoing monitoring and reporting plan, as well as adhere to a comprehensive enforcement and audit protocol. This would help review performance, provide measurable outcomes and ensure compliance.
  • The new model would continue to feature life-saving overdose prevention and harm reduction services, as well as a new focus on connecting people with treatment and rehabilitation services. More information

Share the OPS Site schedules and Map with friends and organizations: OPS SIS Map October

November ODSP/OW Pro Tip:

Check in with ISAC and our website on November 8th or 9th to find out about any changes in OW/ODSP.Bulletin asks: Did you have a good Halloween? Did you see people dressed as us? Do costumes of violent “psychos” or schizos affect the way we are seen and treated by everyday people?     #MadnessIsNotACostume

Navigate Below:

  1. Intro: Drugs, “Consumption and Treatment Centres” and finances
  2. Moments in C/S Bulletin History
  3. Rights and News
  4. Resources
  5. Jobs
  6. Key Free Events
  7. Dignity and food and recovery – Quick Food BOOKLET
[Enable pictures at the top of email to see pictures]

Let us know about your events and important issues please at

DOWNLOAD The Print (.PDF) version of the Bulletin!
Download and Share the NOVEMBER Fun Free Events Guide – Word File – Prepared by Amber Graydon, RT

Surveys and feedback help us improve!

2. Moments in C/S  History

History – CS Moments November 2007

2007: Lana Frado Addressed the  Mental Health Commission of Canada:

Lana Frado: “It is our hope that the anti-stigma strategy proposed by the Commission focuses on the right of consumers and survivors to live free from discrimination. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus: she didn’t lend her face to a poster campaign. Gays, lesbians and gender minorities fought back against police brutality at Stonewall: they didn’t design a fridge magnet. Key to these movements for social justice was that any action taken was led by the people directly affected.Poster seen on subways: "It's All in your head." Or as we're discovering your brain. Defeat denial. Help defeat mental illness. camh


And in 2019: We still have Mental health weeks and days, rather than rights…

Are subway ads and awareness weeks steps to real inclusion and equity for survivors?

Do you think of yourself as part of a rights-seeking group? What effect do these ads and engagement strategies have on our struggles?

How do we create knowledge and is it listened too?

3. Rights, Advocacy

Submit your stories of advocacy and or photos and the Bulletin may share your actions!


Get involved in the Chew On This! campaign.

Here is a story of advocacy by survivors that reaches the public outside the “mental health stigma” world!


It’s easy to organize an event in your town, at your school, or with your community group: //

  1. Our postcard message this year, directed to the Prime Minister, will call for a plan that is strengthened, legislated, and fully-funded in Budget 2019. We do not want this opportunity lost!

Election Results, Representation, Priorities

As discussed in a previous edition of the Bulletin, Mayor Tory committed to mental health being a priority in Toronto. However, the details were not that clear. Are there things that you think he should focus on?

  1. Accessibility and inclusion in city services.
  2. Shelter provisions and food.
  3. Affordable housing that is accessible to people living on ODSP.
  4. Training for the police, emergency services to provide appropriate, respectful and effective services.
  5. Transport (accessible and affordable).
  6. More… You can submit to the electronic survey at…or send us an email at 


Confidential Report about Toronto Finances

Toronto needs to raise taxes to maintain or fulfill promised services – Peter Wallace the former City Manager. In both the drafts and the final report, [City Manager] “Peter Wallace presented three hypothetical paths, saying it was up to council to choose a financial direction: cut services to save costs; maintain existing service levels while not proceeding with planned improvements; or invest in the plans and strategies already approved by council by raising revenues.”

Marijuana FAQ and pardons

Keep up at // More to come…
Do adults have the right to control what they put in their bodies? Not really. But good news for marijuana users. Cannabis possession and consumption in small quantities (30 grams or 4 plants) is now permitted for folks over 19. But the federal and provincial governments still control access and pricing. And cities in Ontario can outlaw consumption in their boundaries.

Liberal government to waive fee, waiting time for pot pardons

Pardons don’t go far enough. Convictions for cannabis possession must be expunged

A future government could retract pardons for simple possession en masse by amending the Criminal Records Act—Benjamin Kates and Pam Hrick · for CBC News · Posted: Oct 29, 2018.

Taking the Rap: Women Doing Time for Society’s Crimes – Women’s Perspectives on Prison: Presentation & Panel

November 6th. This event is free of charge. Location: Ryerson Image Arts Building, 122 Bond St., Toronto, Room IMA 307

November 8th Announcement by Ontario Government about changes to OW / ODSP.

100 Days: Take Action Before November 8!

The new Ontario government recently announced that they will reveal a new direction for social assistance, based in part on “compassion for people in need,” after a 100-day review.

Take action now to help ensure their November 8 announcement moves Ontario’s social assistance programs – Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) – in the right direction.

Change should be based on:

  1. Income Adequacy
  2. Economic and Social Inclusion
  3. Access and Dignity
  4. Reconciliation with Indigenous people
  5. Human Rights, Equity, and Fairness.

Take action before and check back at

Wednesday November 14th Put Food in The  Budget and OCAP—Town Hall

Banner image related to Put Food in the Budget.

6pm – 8 pm St Luke’s United Church – 353 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON [Dinner Provided. Wheelchair Accessible Venue]

4. Resources

TTC – Fair Pass Discount Program

The Fare Pass Presto card saves money: $2.00 per ride, 115.50 monthly pass. If you receive a transport allowance from OW or ODSP check with a worker before you apply for the pass so that you don’t have that subsidy cut from your cheque.

Find the forms and the details at: //

And more info at //

5. Jobs & Funding

Research about Peer Researchers Peers Project!

  1. TIDES Service User Educator at CAMH[Job posting is presented FYI .We will have more discussion about (the challenges of) working inside CAMH in the next issue.]
  2. Community Service Worker – Sound Times Support Services
  3. Houselink – Mental Health Recovery Worker

6. Fun Free EventsPhoto of a green bull frog with big cheeks.

General Tips on finding events:

Full list of events at Sound Times!

City of Toronto Event Listings—Lots of good stuff

Toronto Public Library 

  • Big events with huge authors and speakers at the Reference Library (789 Yonge Street)

November is Financial Info Month

Street Soccer

We will be playing at John Innes Community and Rec Centre, 150 Sherbourne St, Toronto. Mondays from 12-4:00.

 ALL welcome you can come as an individual or a team. No expertise or fancy shoes required! Totally free. Find more information about the league on Facebook.  You can also find highlights from the Homeless World Cup.

December 1, 2018 International Day of Persons with Disabilities Event (Official Government event)

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Rooms 308-309, Toronto //

Lots more newsletters

  • · Ontario Peer Development Initiative OPDI “News to go” //
  • · Empowerment Council //
  • · Citizens With Disability Ontario (CWDO) //
  • · Housing Action Now—Great resource on housing advocacy in Toronto //
  • HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) Newsletter)
  • · ARCH Alert, ARCH Disability Law Centre  //
  • · Voice of Our Own, Newsletter of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), published four times per year //
  • · AODA Alliance – subscribe to e-news by emailing
  • · The Advocate – A Government Affairs Advisory Newsletter, Ontario March of Dimes //

Looking for Resources in the Regent Park and Moss Park area?

Check out the resource booklet prepared byCover of Community Resource Booklet June 2018 by Regent Park Community Health Centre Regent Park Community Health Centre. The booklet is meant to be printed and shared. Consider printing out a copy or two and sharing with friends. Could your area use one of these?

7. BOOKLET Special Bulletin Part 1! Food  Access, Advocacy, Fun

We are building up resources for the food and mental health booklet. We want to include your project and ideas in future versions.Link to the Food and Mental Healthy Booklet

Please email us at
You can contribute to the planning through this FOOD Survey.

Subscribe For Free!

To subscribe to The Bulletin email us at

Where we post even more information and resources.The Bulletin is free to receive.

All previous issues are available on our website:
The Bulletin is published on the 1st of every month
by Sound Times Support Services. Funding for this Consumer/Survivor initiative has been provided by the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).

Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network logo
The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the
Toronto Central LHIN, the Government of Ontario,
Sound Times Support Services Staff or Board Members.
Thanks: to survey participants, callers and emailers and the C/S Info Bulletin Team helping with the handoff.
Go green; get The Bulletin by email!

And that is all!

Feedback on accessibility of elections. Go to

October Bulletin – Employment, elections are health#616

1. Work. Disability. Election. Work is hard. Work is harder when you don't fit in and the workplace doesn't accommodate…
End the criminalization of sex work! #Election2019

Solidarity Statement for Sex Workers’ Rights

This is a health issue that affects many people with mental health / substance use issues. You might want to…

Harm reduction services are an Election issue – Petition

Tell federal party leaders to support life-saving harm reduction services Sign the petition here: We’re facing a crisis. And our…
Event poster text in article.

Presentation – Ethics of Patient Inclusion (1)

Adventures in integrating mad people's knowledge into psychiatry curriculum In this presentation we will discuss: Centering Madness: a course prioritizing…

What should we include in the Food Issue?

Food Access, Advocacy, Fun

Create your own user feedback survey